Rooibos makes TIME Magazine’s Top 50 Healthiest Foods

‘Eating healthy shouldn’t be complicated’. Well, that’s how TIME Magazine put it in a recent article they published, entitled “The 50 healthiest foods of all time”.

From bananas and berries, to the famed curly-leafed kale, brocolli sprouts and banting’s cauliflower, to eggplant and the humble egg, TIME Magazine compiled a healthy list of all the foods (and three drinks) you should be including in your diet to keep you and your body fighting fit.

In addition to kefir (a fermented milk drink) and red wine (yes, a glass doesn’t hurt!), Rooibos featured as the only tea in the Top 50.

This is what they had to say:

“Why it’s good for you: Rooibos (roy-bus) tea, a red tea packed with antioxidants that guard us from chronic and degenerative diseases.”

Yip, a natural wonder plant and pure goodness indeed. But we couldn’t help wonder: what TIME would say about red espresso® – which contains 10 x the powerful health benefits of traditionally-brewed rooibos tea, including its antioxidants, in one shot? Have a look at red espresso®’s impressive health benefits here – and let us know what YOU think – and whether you’d put it right at the top?!

Artikel im Times

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